Compound tasks

Compound tasks to perform bigger operations like bootstrapping Invenio.


Bootstrap an Invenio installation

Bootstrap will run the following tasks:

  • mysql_dropdb - to drop an existing database if it exists.
  • mysql_createdb - to create database and user.
  • venv_create - to create a virtual environment.
  • repo_update - to checkout source code from repositories.
  • venv_requirements - to install Python requirements.
  • repo_install - to install all repositories.
  • invenio_conf - to configure Invenio.
  • devserver_conf - to configure the development server.
  • invenio_createdb - to create Invenio database tables.

If a task fails, you can re-run bootstrap and skip the initial steps which already was completed.

  • quite – Default False. Set to True to disable user confirmation.
  • with_db – Default True. Run database related tasks to create the database.

Archive installation

Dump a database and virtual environment to an archive which can later be restored with load().


Load archived installation

Load an archived virtual environment and database which was dumped with dump().


Remove installation

Remove virtual environment, database and database user.


Install repositories

The task will checkout latest changes for the repositories, run make install, inveniocfg --update-all --upgrade.

Parameters:quite – Default False. Set to True to disable user confirmation.